It’s essential to have some moisture in our air, but too much can be uncomfortable and too little can make you sick. Thus, it’s essential to learn how to control the humidity in your home.

Let’s start with the basics…

Humidity levels vary depending on the surrounding environment and air temperature. Midwestern states may experience both low and high humidity levels throughout the year. In sharp contrast, southern states such as Florida overwhelmingly encounter more high humidity days. No matter where you live, the recommended level of humidity in your home should be within 35% to 45%.

To keep your humidity levels under control, you must always be watching for any sign that it is too high or too low. Hazy windows, clammy skin and a musty smell all point to the presence of high humidity. If a further inspection of your home reveals rotting wood, damp areas or mildew – this indicates a long-term problem with high humidity.

Low humidity produces static electricity and also dehydrates your hair and skin. It’s also the best environment for viruses to flourish. That’s why the common cold occurs affects more people during the winter season.

A hygrometer is a helpful gadget that will help you oversee the relative humidity in your home.Once you notice a problem, there are steps you can take to return humidity levels to normal.

For high humidity, it’s all about ventilation. Focus on areas of your home where the most moisture tends to collect. Kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms are common areas of concern. If you have a vent fan, use it! If you’re already using it, leave it on considerably longer than you normally would.

For low humidity, a humidifier is truly the best option. These modern marvels work to add moisture back into the air. There are plenty of options to choose from, so do your research before buying. One last piece of advice is to pay attention to size. In other words, choose the correct sized humidifier according to the dimensions and features of the room it will be occupying.

Is the humidity in your home causing immense discomfort? Contact Tampa air conditioning service to set up an appointment with an HVAC specialist!